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007 does not send log emails to me. What's wrong?


We have changed our log delivery policy since 24/09/2008, so please download the latest version (v3.92 or above) to solve the problem.

The new policy allows you to view logs remotely from:

If the new version did not solve your problem, please follow the step by step guide below:

1. Please run 007 and click the "Advanced Option" button in Settings panel to launch the advanced setting interface.

2. Please double check "Your Email" field to make sure you have inputted the correct email address to RECEIVE the logs.

3. In "From Email" field please input a fake email address such as "JamesB@msn.com" etc.

4. Make sure you have added the fake From Email address into your Contacts list.
Note: If you have been able to receive logs from version 3.83 but failed with version 3.85, it most likely you have NOT add "JamesB@msn.com" into your contacts list.

5. Now press the "Test Now" button to see what happen.

6. If you see 007 reports that the testing email is successfully sent, please check your email box to see if the testing email really arrive.

7. If you do receive the testing email successfully, you must keep in mind that only the full version will ACTUALLY send logs to you automatically at your set intervals, and 007 will only deliver log emails when the monitoring engine is started.

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